Castle Ashby, Northants Retreat 2025

To see flyer continue reading. A luxury 4 day Retreat in stunning surroundings with Pamela on the Castle Ashby Estate in Northamptonshire, England. Join me in September, 4pm Thursday 11th – 11am Sunday 14th for 6 inspiring yoga sessions including dynamic Anusara alignment, gentle therapeutics and restoratives. Be in beautiful countryside, elegance, open water swim […]


2025 Herefordshire Retreat

Our 2025 YOGA RETREAT runs June 13th-16th, 3 nights Friday afternoon till Monday. We host in the Herefordshire countryside on a beautiful estate. Accommodations are in a Victorian stable conversion all with ensuit. We offer move & align Anusara practice in the mornings, Yin & Restorative in the late afternoons, Yoga Nidra pre bedtime. Your […]


9D Breathwork Letting Go

9D JOURNEY LETTING GO- SORRY THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED, we hope to run it in the new year. This offering is specifically designed to support individuals who are grappling with the challenge of letting go, whether it be difficult events from the past, feelings of resentment, or judgments towards themselves or others. It provides a […]


The Falcon Retreat September 2024

3 days of renewal, yoga, countryside, elegance, open water swim, delicious food and all that helps to realign in blissful, enjoyable, holistic ways. An intimate retreat for just 10 students so you can receive good quality attention. In addition to the yoga enjoy a fascinating Castle Ashby estate tour with Lord Northampton, included in the […]

Jamaal Roach Yoga student

Jamaal Comments

A few days ago @jamaalroach told me that it was exactly 2 years since he’d started yoga! I was impressed that he knew that precisely and I’m always impressed with his commitment to his practice, his progress and friendly demeanor towards everyone. Thank you Jamaal for sharing the below comments and being a devoted student. 🧘🏽‍♂️ Two […]


June 14-17th Retreat in Herefordshire

Save the date! This place, yoga, food, hosts, activities & company was loved in 2023 so we booked the same beautiful  location in the Wye Valley for JUNE 14th-17th 2024. Anusara Yoga, Yin, Restorative & Yoga Nidra ; Breathwork & Meditation: Chef curated meals; Stunning accommodations on a beautiful estate nestled in the Herefordshire countryside. […]

Northamptonshire Retreat Sept. 8th -10th

September 8th-10th 2023 England Retreat, Northants

Contact me for for further details, to book the yoga package with me, to book your room through the hotel, to receive the schedule and optional activity info…. whatsapp 246 231 4468 email pamela@ I’m delighted to announce the second weekend Yoga Retreat in Northamptonshire 8th – 10th September. I look forward to sharing a yoga […]

In the world of yoga today, there is so much emphasis on postures, lineage, alignment, and approach that we seem to have forgotten the very depth of Yoga philosophy and teaching. This workshop brings intimacy and intention to the vinyasa practice while facilitating a new relationship with breath and reconnecting each individual to their understanding of Spirit. Essentially this practice asks us to contemplate the ‘Why’ of yoga practice and invites us to connect to something beyond the physical form of the practice. The workshop begins with 45-60 mins of lecture & discussion surrounding the anatomy of breath and how it relates to the embodiment of Yoga before proceeding into a strong but accessible 90min Vinyasa practice.

Reconnecting with Spirit’

‘Reconnecting to Spirit’  Sunday 15th January. 9- 11.30/12.00 $100Bds/50USD -Guest TEACHER Troy Hadeed.   In the world of yoga today, there is so much emphasis on postures, lineage, alignment, and approach that we seem to have forgotten the very depth of Yoga philosophy and teaching. This workshop brings intimacy and intention to the vinyasa practice […]

A June 2023 England Retreat

England Retreat 2023

Luxury Yoga Retreat 16-19th June 2023, Herefordshire Join us for 3 nights of creative and uplifting Anusara Yoga with Pamela Harris and deeply Restorative practices & Yoga Nidra with Henry Morgan & Mark Ruck.  Accommodation in stunning ensuite rooms Wonderful Vegetarian food Heated outdoor swimming pool, walled gardens. sauna & hot tub, Beautiful walks in […]


Refining Your Vinyasa + Heavenly Hips

We welcome ADAM HUSLER  sharing a Workshop “Refining Your Vinyasa + Heavenly Hips” Time – Saturday 2nd April 3.00pm. to 5.30pm  Special Price $60B’DOS/$30US ( $70 after March 30th if spaces remain) Workshop Description Adam is combining 2 of his most popular workshops in to 1, as a special for Barbados! We may have gone […]